Back to School Communication Tips

Effective Back to School Communication Tips

As another new school year approaches, providing students with practical strategies for successful learning is important. Whether students attend in-person or through online classes, following these back to school communication tips will prove invaluable.

Back to School Communication Tips

Start with a Baseline

It’s difficult to fix something when you don’t know it’s broken. The best place to start is getting a hearing test before school tests begin. Arranging a hearing checkup will help you know where to begin. It’s especially important if you see any sign of potential hearing loss, such as:

• Difficulty following instructions from teachers
• Experiencing tinnitus, a ringing sound in the ears or head
• Struggling to understand people speaking through masks
• Recurring replies of “What?” or “Huh?”
• Earaches
• Turning up media volume on devices
• Poor grades or messages that your child isn’t responding in class

Reduce or Eliminate Background Noise

Distracting background noise can inhibit the learning process. Try incorporating these valuable tips can help reduce noise:

• Close doors and windows to lessen background sounds
• Use noise-canceling headphones/hearing aids
• Try out sound-dampening wall panels
• Use rooms with carpeted floors for classrooms

Utilize Lip-Reading

Lip-reading and hearing awareness are natural parts of communication. It’s important to ensure each student can see their teacher clearly. The same is true for online classes. It’s crucial to ensure the instructor appears on the screen so their lips can be seen.

Use Captions

Turn on audio captions to help with video learning and online lectures. Web-based phone apps are also available for live transcription.

Make Use of Assistive Listening Devices

Modern hearing assistance technology goes beyond standard hearing aids. These devices have a wide range of connectivity possibilities, allowing you to find the ideal device for your needs:

• T-coil systems for wireless FM audio
• Wireless microphones can enhance communication in smaller environments
• Bluetooth devices can connect some hearing aids to digital sources like smartphones and computers
• Speak to your audiologist about compatibility options for your hearing aid devices

Improving hearing abilities with technology can significantly benefit students of every age group, enabling them to excel academically.

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