High-Frequency Hearing Loss

Treating High-Frequency Hearing Loss

High-frequency hearing loss is a common auditory impairment that can impede the ability to hear high-pitched sounds. It is prevalent among older adults, who often face age-related hearing loss, and people who have been exposed to deafening noises for an extended period. This type of hearing loss can significantly affect an individual’s quality of life,

Hearing Loss Surgeries

What Surgeries Can Help Restore Hearing Loss?

Did you know that a significant number of Americans, almost 48 million individuals, experience some form of hearing loss? This can profoundly impact their communication, relationships, health, and even careers. You may be curious if hearing loss surgeries can help restore your impaired hearing if you are among this population. However, the answer is more complex as it depends on the kind of hearing loss you are experiencing.

Duration for Wearing Hearing Aids

Should You Wear Hearing Aids Consistently?

If one has hearing aids, it is natural to question the ideal frequency of their usage to derive maximum benefit, and many may wonder what the recommended duration for wearing hearing aids is. To ensure optimal hearing and cognitive abilities, we recommend that individuals wear hearing aids throughout the day, except while sleeping or engaging in activities such as showering or swimming,

Signs of Hearing Loss

Helping a Loved One Who is Developing Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can negatively affect an individual’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Therefore, it is imperative to identify the signs of hearing loss in order to provide optimal treatment to those affected. Hearing loss can present itself in four distinct ways, as listed below.

What are the Signs of Hearing Loss?

Individuals with hearing impairment often accuse others of mumbling or speaking softly.

Tinnitus Sleeping Tips

Sleeping Tips for Tinnitus Sufferers

Tinnitus, hearing sound in the absence of an external noise source, can be challenging and distressing to manage, particularly at bedtime. The quiet environment of the bedroom can exacerbate tinnitus symptoms, leading to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. This article will examine various tinnitus sleeping tips that can benefit individuals experiencing tinnitus, helping them achieve better sleep quality.

Maintain Your Hearing Aids

Proactive Strategies To Help Maintain Your Hearing Aid Devices

It is imperative to understand that hearing aids require consistent maintenance, which many overlook. While some may assume that they can manage repairs independently, it is essential to note that they are challenging to identify without sufficient expertise. As an owner of hearing aids, one should recognize the signs of hearing device damage, know how to maintain their hearing aids,

Untreated Hearing Loss

What You Should Know About Untreated Hearing Loss

While hearing loss can be effectively addressed by using hearing aids, many individuals avoid seeking treatment for this condition. Instead, some people leave their hearing loss untreated, assuming it is not a cause for concern. However, untreated hearing loss carries various risks that could impact the affected individuals or their loved ones. It is, therefore,

Connection Between Stress and Tinnitus

How Stress Can Affect Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a complex symptom often identified by a humming, buzzing, or ringing sound in the ears. Various factors can trigger this condition, and stress is one of them. Even though stress often goes unnoticed as a potential trigger for tinnitus, it is interconnected with the condition. This article aims to closely examine the connection between stress and tinnitus while providing practical strategies to manage them.

Need a Hearing Test

How To Know If You Should Get a Hearing Test

Hearing loss can have a substantially negative impact on one’s overall health, both physically and mentally. Therefore, taking necessary measures to safeguard hearing health throughout one’s lifetime is crucial. Regular hearing testing is an essential component of achieving this objective. It is crucial to receive a diagnosis for hearing loss as it enables the individual to access the necessary treatment and support.


The Facts About Hyperacusis

Hyperacusis is a rare hearing condition that affects a few individuals. This condition results in sounds that are typically perceived as normal being experienced as uncomfortably and, in many cases, unbearably loud. It is also known as decreased sound tolerance, or DST. Individuals with normal hearing typically experience a variety of sounds with varying degrees of loudness.

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