Healthy Hearing Resolutions

4 Simple Healthy Hearing Resolutions for 2020

With the New Year quickly approaching, now is the time to start your list of resolutions for the upcoming year. The end of the year is an excellent time to look back at where’ve you’ve been, the lessons you’ve learned, and to start thinking about your goals and plans for 2020. Usually, self-improvement is on the list,

Cold Weather Hearing Aid Tips

Winter Time Tips for Hearing Aids

The end of the year is finally here, which means the temperatures outside are dropping, and the weather is getting cold. While this can be a nuisance to anyone who hates the cold, if you happen to wear hearing aids, you will need to take extra precautions with your device. Hearing aids are sensitive devices,

Ears Warm in the Cold

Reasons to Keep Your Ears Warm This Winter

With winter right around the bend, the temperatures outside are dropping. Frigid weather is on its way, which means you will need to bundle yourself up when you head outdoors. However, when you head out into the cold, make sure you don’t neglect your ears. While it’s true that you can lose a lot of heat through your head,

Brussels Sprouts Pomegranate Recipe

A Thanksgiving Recipe for Healthy Hearing

Brussels sprouts often pop up on the dinner table during Thanksgiving, but did you know that eating Brussels sprouts may help you preserve your hearing? Brussels sprouts are high in folic acid, which can help lower the risk of age-related hearing loss. Also, Brussels sprouts are considered to be one of the best plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids,

Healthy Hearing Nutrients

Healthy Hearing Nutrients for Thanksgiving

For many food lovers, Thanksgiving is the most anticipated meal of the year and the biggest. Thanksgiving is filled with food and family, so what is there not to love? However, did you know that many of the traditional Thanksgiving recipes contain nutrients that have been linked to healthy hearing? Several healthy, hearing nutrients are found within the typical Thanksgiving feast,

Warning Signs of Hearing Loss

What Are the Warning Signs of Hearing Loss?

Change, particularly changes in the body, can be scary. So much so, it can be easy to brush off any changes we notice. Especially, since in many cases, changes can happen gradually over time, and there is not an immediate transition from one state to another. Unfortunately, when it comes to hearing loss, this is often the case.

Halloween Hearing Safety Tips

Halloween Hearing Safety Tips for Kids with Hearing Loss

While Halloween is generally a fun and exciting holiday, for children with hearing loss, Halloween can be downright scary if the proper precautions are not met and Halloween hearing safety tips are not followed. While this can go for anyone, children with hearing loss need extra consideration this holiday, so they can fully enjoy dressing up and collecting treats.

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

National Protect Your Hearing Month

Some may not realize this (or may just need a friendly reminder), but loud sounds are incredibly harmful to your ears. In fact, noise-induced hearing loss is a common condition, and it is an ailment that can affect anyone, of all ages. Noise-induced hearing loss occurs when a loud noise damages the tiny hair cells in your cochlea,

Vestibular Disorders Facts

Vestibular Disorders Facts: A Chronic Balance Disorder

A vestibular disorder is a condition that you may or may not have heard of. Considered to be a chronic balance disorder, vestibular dysfunction can affect both the patient and their family in many ways. Affecting you not just on a physical level, but also on an emotional and mental level. Balance in life is crucial if you want to remain healthy,

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