Headphones with Hearing Aids

Using Headphones with Hearing Aids

A frequently posed question among novice and experienced hearing aid users is, “Is it permissible to wear headphones while utilizing my hearing aids?” Additionally, individuals may seek guidance on which type of headphones would be most appropriate for use in conjunction with hearing aids.

Can I Use Headphones with Hearing Aids?

Yes, you can wear headphones while using most hearing aids. However, compatibility depends on the specific style of the hearing aid, the type of headphones utilized, and personal comfort preferences.

Over-The-Ear Headphones

For individuals using behind-the-ear hearing aids, which represent the most predominant style, over-the-ear headphones are typically the most suitable option. This headphone design enables users to maintain their hearing aids in position while delivering optimal sound quality and an enhanced auditory experience. Over-the-ear headphones offer enhanced comfort and effectively mitigate background noise. Furthermore, their visible design indicates to others that the wearer is engaged, allowing individuals to seek attention before initiating conversation. Older hearing aids and analog technologies often produced feedback, a high-pitched squeal, when used with over-the-ear headphones. However, contemporary hearing aids generally do not encounter this problem when paired with this type of headphone.

On-Ear Headphones

On-ear headphones can be a viable option; however, they do not provide complete ear coverage, which may result in the perceptible intrusion of background noise. This can likely compromise the efficacy of the microphones in behind-the-ear hearing aids. Open-ear or bone-conduction headphones may also be appropriate based on the exact type of hearing loss a patient experiences. Nonetheless, these headphones allow for the full perception of surrounding sounds, which may hinder one’s ability to focus on audio playback through the device.

Headphones Suitable for Use with In-The-Canal Hearing Aids

Individuals who utilize in-the-canal hearing aids will find that over-the-ear and on-ear headphones are effective options. These headphones deliver sound directly to the hearing aids, enabling users to benefit from their prescribed amplification. In-the-canal hearing aids lack a microphone behind the ear, minimizing the intrusion of background noise. Furthermore, bone-conduction headphones may be considered for those with sensorineural hearing loss; however, it is crucial to note that such headphones will transmit all background noise.

Bluetooth-Enabled Hearing Aids

If you have Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids, you can stream music directly to your hearing aids and skip headphones altogether. This is a great option, and the connectivity is simple and seamless, but there are times when background noise can make hearing what you’re streaming difficult. It may also be helpful to wear visible headphones so others know you cannot hear them – whether on public transportation, at the gym, or if you want to be left alone! Those are good times to have a pair of headphones you can wear, even if you stream to your hearing aids.


Earbud-style headphones may be a viable option, contingent upon individual comfort levels. Some individuals may find that earbuds fit comfortably over their hearing aids, while others may experience discomfort. It is advisable to undertake a trial to determine which option best suits one’s needs.

Listening Safely

It is essential to prioritize the health of your ears. Even in the presence of hearing loss, it remains crucial to safeguard the remaining auditory capacity. Adhere to the 60-60 safe listening guideline: limit listening to a maximum of 60 minutes at no more than 60% of the maximum volume, and ensure you provide your ears with regular breaks throughout the day.

For individuals curious about exploring the latest improvements in hearing aid technology, assessing their current hearing levels, or acquiring custom hearing protection for upcoming concerts, we invite you to contact us. Our team of dedicated hearing care professionals can assist you in improving your quality of life while managing hearing loss.

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