Summertime Ear Protection Tips

Summertime Ear Protection Tips

Having the ability to hear is one of the wonders of being human. You want to cherish your hearing, so it’s important that you take care of your ears. Taking preventive measures is the best way to care for your hearing for the long haul. Now that’s summertime many people take advantage of the warm weather to have some fun in the sun.

Signs and Symptoms of Tinnitus

The Signs and Symptoms of Tinnitus

The sensation of hearing chirping, buzzing, roaring, clicking, whistling, hissing, whooshing ringing, or other sounds in one or both ears (or in their head) are some the signs and symptoms of tinnitus. For many, this is an irritating condition that can vary in loudness, and can come and go, or happen continuously. Unfortunately, this condition is very common,

What is an Audiologist

What is an Audiologist? When Should I See One?

Despite the fact that hearing loss is the third most common health problem in this country, many people are not sure what an audiologist does or when they should see one. An audiologist is a hearing care professional that handles the non-medical side of hearing problems and can assess and identify hearing problems. Hearing is a complex sense,

The NY Hearing Center

Keep Your Ears Healthy for Better Hearing and Speech Month

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and what better time to educate others on the importance of hearing health. Unfortunately, many Americans are currently experiencing some degree of hearing loss, and/or many know someone who is hard of hearing or is deaf. However, knowledge will help ensure that you are prepared and this can help you stay vigilant.

Nutrients for Healthy Hearing

Essential Nutrients for Healthy Hearing

The term “you are what you eat” is true, as the vitamins and minerals that you receive from whole foods can help keep your whole body healthy and functioning effectively. While many people pay special attention to covering or plugging up their ears when they are in a loud environment, many do not realize that eating a healthy and well-balanced diet can also play a role in maintaining healthy hearing.

Autism Auditory Sensitivity Tips

Autism Awareness Month: Coping with Auditory Sensitivities

Those on the autism spectrum often deal with sound sensitivity, and it can come in different flavors. Some individuals might be hypersensitive, and can’t help but pay attention to each and every sound. While others can suffer from hyposensitivity, where they do not respond to sounds or to their name. It’s not uncommon to identify this under sensitivity with hearing loss,

Basic Types of Hearing Loss

3 Basic Types of Hearing Loss

In our last article, we covered the signs and symptoms of hearing loss and the factors that can lead to diminished or loss of hearing. Hearing loss is characterized by which part of the auditory system is damaged, and there are two basic types, conductive hearing loss, and sensorineural or perceptive hearing loss.

Hearing Loss Signs and Symptoms

The Signs and Symptoms of Hearing Loss

While some people may not think much about their ears, it is a gift that many take for granted. Unfortunately, hearing loss is a very common health problem in the United States, and the number of people affected by hearing loss has been rising throughout the years. Hearing loss is a serious issue, even though it’s not often thought about,

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