CSF leak and Hearing Loss

How Does a CSF Leak Affect My Hearing?

A clear liquid that surrounds the spinal cord and the brain, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) helps cushion the brain inside the skull and is responsible for delivering nutrients. However, when there is a tear in the brain tissue, CSF fluid can escape. A CSF leak can leak into other parts of the body, and even into your connective tissue and muscles.

Hearing Checked Annually

Do You Need a Hearing Test?

Having the ability to hear is a blessing, so it is important to take care of this gift. Unfortunately, hearing loss is a common condition, so if you ever find yourself asking the question, “do I need a hearing test?” know that the answer is always yes. Getting your hearing checked annually is crucial if you want to help preserve your hearing throughout your life.

Herbs for Hearing Loss

Which Herbs are Good for Hearing Loss?

Typically, hearing loss cannot be fully restored, but there are many different treatments available that may help. Implants, surgery, and wearing hearing aids can help recover a large portion of your hearing, but there is also another route you can take to help improve the health of your ears and ward off hearing loss. Focusing on food and what you put into your body can significantly affect how you feel and how well your body functions.

Spring Hearing Health Tips

Spring Hearing Health Tips: Spring Cleaning for Hearing

Spring is a marvelous time of rebirth, as nature awakens from its slumber after a long, cold winter season. The days are getting warmer and longer, inviting us to increase our participation with the outdoors. Even though at this moment we need to practice social distancing, there are still plenty of solo activities available to us to enjoy while we are outside on a warm,

Colors of Earwax

The Colors of Earwax: What Earwax Says About Your Health

Earwax is a natural substance that is produced by the ears to help protect the eardrum and the ear canal, playing an essential role in the health of your ears. Without earwax, germs, bacteria, particles, and debris would be able to penetrate deep into your ear, causing a host of health issues. While some people may experience an overproduction of earwax,

Sounds of Spring

Sounds of Spring: Do You Need Your Hearing Checked?

During the spring season, there is an awakening after a long, cold winter. Spring is the time for renewal and rebirth, as plants are beginning to “spring” up, and the days are becoming longer and warmer. The spring season is also the perfect time to assess your life and make any necessary changes that are needed in your life.

Ear Pressure Remedies

How to Deal with Ear Pressure

Cold and flu season can make anyone feel miserable, especially since it typically impacts your nose, throat, and sinuses. Besides dealing with symptoms such as congestion, a runny nose, sinus pressure, and stuffy ears, dealing with pressure in the ear can be one of the most uncomfortable symptoms out of the bunch. Your ear, nose,

Impact of Hearing Loss

How Can Hearing Loss Impact My Daily Life?

You may not realize this, but your ears play a more prominent role than you think. Having the ability to hear is a blessing that many take advantage of. Not everyone realizes that having the ability to listen to the world around you is a huge part of your life, and plays heavily into your quality of life.

Allergies Cause Hearing Loss

Can Allergies Cause Hearing Loss?

Allergies are a pesky health issue that can affect anyone, at any time of the year. While allergies can be worse at some point during the year, for many people, their allergies can affect them all year round. If suffering the symptoms of an allergic reaction isn’t bad enough, your allergies could also be the reason for your diminished sense of hearing.

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