Autism Auditory Sensitivity Tips

Autism Awareness Month: Coping with Auditory Sensitivities

Those on the autism spectrum often deal with sound sensitivity, and it can come in different flavors. Some individuals might be hypersensitive, and can’t help but pay attention to each and every sound. While others can suffer from hyposensitivity, where they do not respond to sounds or to their name. It’s not uncommon to identify this under sensitivity with hearing loss,

Basic Types of Hearing Loss

3 Basic Types of Hearing Loss

In our last article, we covered the signs and symptoms of hearing loss and the factors that can lead to diminished or loss of hearing. Hearing loss is characterized by which part of the auditory system is damaged, and there are two basic types, conductive hearing loss, and sensorineural or perceptive hearing loss.

Hearing Loss Signs and Symptoms

The Signs and Symptoms of Hearing Loss

While some people may not think much about their ears, it is a gift that many take for granted. Unfortunately, hearing loss is a very common health problem in the United States, and the number of people affected by hearing loss has been rising throughout the years. Hearing loss is a serious issue, even though it’s not often thought about,

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