Hearing Facts

11 Hearing Facts for the New Year

A vital organ, your ears play a huge role in your day to day life. Being able to hear the sounds of the world around you is a blessing. Not only does it help you stay connected with others in your daily environment, but because of your ears, you can fully enjoy your favorite band’s song, or hear the words “I love you” come from the lips of a loved one. However, because many are born with the ability to hear, it can become easy to overlook, until that ability starts to diminish. Maybe if a person realized how special their ears were, they wouldn’t find this organ to be so trivial. Learning some interesting hearing facts can help open your mind to how amazing your ears truly are.

You can hear all of the wonderful things life has to offer due to the complex organs sitting on your head. While these hearing facts don’t cover all of the amazing things your ears can do, it will still make you appreciate what you have, especially when you learn more about the statistics!

1. According to the CDC, 3 out of 1,000 American children are born with some degree of hearing loss.

2. The majority of deaf children do not come from deaf parents. They are typically born from parents who do not have a hearing impairment.

3. An estimated 466 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization, have disabling hearing loss.

4. The small hairs inside of your ear are incredibly vital, so much so your ability to hear is dependent on them. If those hairs disappear, you will lose your hearing.

5. When a baby is born, their middle ear is temporarily full of fluid.

6. Besides giving you the ability to hear, your ears also help you keep your balance.

7. Continuous exposure to loud sounds over 85 decibels is the most significant cause of hearing loss.

8. The smallest bones in the body are located in the middle ear, the stapes, the incus, and the malleus.

9. Even when you are asleep, your ears never stop working, and they remain active. It’s your brain that is not reacting to the input.

10. Earwax, while many find disgusting, protects the inner ear from dirt and debris. Luckily, since your ears are self-cleaning, you typically don’t have to remove earwax. It will make its own way out of the ear.

11. When you place your ear up to a seashell, that is not the ocean you are hearing. Instead, it is actually the sound of the blood flowing through your ear!

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