Airplane Ear Tips

Airplane Ear Tips: Tips to Help Relieve the Pressure

It’s summertime, and many are taking advantage of the warm weather and the loosening of travel restrictions and are heading out of town. In many cases, air travel needs to be done, and when that happens, preparation is necessary. Airplane travel can be stressful in itself, but adding the stress of travel and the possibility of experiencing airplane ear can make the experience quite uncomfortable if the proper precautions are not taken. However, following the handy airplane ear tips below can help relieve the pressure.

Many passengers can experience barotitis media or “airplane ear” when the airplane begins to ascend or reduce altitude before landing. While the risk of long-term damage from airplane ear is minimal, it can be excruciating and may even cause partial hearing loss. If a plane ride is unavoidable, here are some airplane ear tips to follow that may offer relief.

· Our ears are sensitive to pressure variations due to flying, so ensure to buy a pair of earplugs before you fly. By adjusting the pressure in the ear canal, you can avoid discomfort and a possible painful situation.
· Yawning, chewing, and swallowing access the muscles that can help open the Eustachian tubes. So have some hard sweet or chewing gum on hand while you fly. Doing this can allow the pressure around the eardrum to equalize the pressure, giving you the relief you need.
· Learn the Valsalva maneuver, just close your mouth, pinch your nose, and carefully blow. Doing this can assist in stabilizing the pressure in your ears while the plane is rising and descending. Repeat the maneuver as required.
· Many wrongly believe that taking a nap or sleeping can help in reducing the chances of airplane ear. While this is a popular viewpoint, it is unfortunately incorrect. It is crucial to remain awake and alert throughout takeoff and landing to perform the actions essential to fend off airplane ear.
· Be conscious of potential individual health issues. It’s not a great idea to fly if you have an ear infection, cold, sinus infection, extreme nasal blockage, or if you had any surgical procedures on or near your ear. Be sure to consult with your physician before flying on an airplane.
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