The holiday season is in full swing, and for many of us, it means family gatherings and lots of food. Loading up on treats and sweets is especially popular during this time of year, even if we know how unhealthy it is for us. However, if you are a fan of dark chocolate you are in luck. Did you know that dark chocolate that has a 70% or higher total cocoa content is rich in zinc? Along with its abundance of magnesium and antioxidants, which helps boost your immune system, dark chocolate (in moderation) can help protect against hearing loss and guard against ear infections.
Brownies are a favorite dessert that usually finds its way on the dinner table during the holidays, but before you dig in, why not try a healthier version? This version of “healthy brownies” that we are about to introduce to you is infused with black beans and walnuts, which are also high in magnesium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, manganese, and folic acid. So go ahead and dig in, you won’t have to feel nearly as guilty.