New Year’s Hearing Resolutions

New Year, New You: New Year’s Hearing Resolutions

The New Year is often a time of renewal for some people. Goals and resolutions are created, so there can be an improvement in one’s life. It’s all about making the New Year better than the last. For many, New Year’s resolutions often involve goals that pertain to their job, family, personal goals, or physical body.

The Top Causes of Hearing Loss

The Top Causes of Hearing Loss

Problems with your hearing can either be present at birth or acquired throughout life, at any age. The most common type of hearing loss, sensorineural, can happen to anybody, at any age. Sensorineural hearing loss is often caused by age, medications, and from noise exposure. While these things are unavoidable in life, excessive exposure can be harmful to your ears.

MP3 Ear Safety Tips

MP3 Ear Safety Tips

Music is one of life’s ultimate pleasures, and it has been with us for as long as we can collectively remember. In today’s day and age, portable media players have become popular and ingrained into our daily lives. So much so, it’s hard to imagine life without them. MP3 players can act as a companion and keep distractions out when you are on the subway,

Thanksgiving and Hearing Loss

How to Handle Thanksgiving and Hearing Loss

Thanksgiving is a joyous time for many, as families get to sit down with one another, enjoy each other’s company and eat delicious food! The holidays are a perfect time to reconnect and catch up with the people that you love. However, for individuals with hearing loss, Thanksgiving may bring about a sense of fear and anxiety.

Hearing Loss Recipes

Thanksgiving Hearing Loss Recipes

It is true, “you are what you eat,” and with Thanksgiving around the corner, there is no better time to be cognizant of what you are putting into your body. What you eat will have a direct and indirect influence on your ability to hear and on your overall health. Luckily, these effects are positive ones!

Safely Clean Your Ears

Did You Know? How to Safely Clean Your Ears

It’s not uncommon for a person to use cotton swabs, or Q-Tips, to remove excess earwax. Cleaning your ears is a habit that many have and don’t think too much of. However, sticking cotton swabs, or anything into your ear, is not recommended. What you think is a healthy habit may be damaging your hearing.

Basics of Hearing Loss

The Basics of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a common health condition that affects more than 48 million Americans in the United States. Despite the fact that some of us have ears and have the ability to hear, many do not have a real understanding of the human ear and how it works. To understand hearing and hearing loss, it helps to know the basics.

Gluten Free Banana Bread Recipe

Foods for Healthy Hearing: Gluten Free Banana Bread Recipe

You probably have heard of the term, “you are what you eat.” To help keep your mind and body healthy, you need to be cognizant of what you put in your mouth. Your body needs proper nutrition to run efficiently, so it is vital that you live a healthy lifestyle. While many are aware of the fact that their ears need to be protected from loud noises,

Gluten Free and Hearing Loss

Gluten Free and Hearing Loss

You may have heard of the term, gluten, the binding agent found in many grains. Gluten acts like a “glue” and helps food maintain their shape. Comprised of two main proteins, gliadin, and glutenin, gluten is found in grains such as durum, barley, Kamut, rye, spelt, farro, and wheat. Currently, gluten is added to all sorts of processed foods,

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