Did you know that your ears are self-cleaning? While you may not believe it, they are self-cleaning, so there’s no need for routine maintenance. Earwax and debris slowly move out of the ear canal opening naturally courtesy of the ear’s design and from the motion of talking and eating. While inserting cotton-tipped swabs into your ears can make the problem worse by pushing earwax farther into the ear canal. However, there are exceptions, of course, as some people produce excessive earwax, which can be uncomfortable and cause temporary hearing loss. When this occurs, professional earwax removal is recommended.
Professional earwax removal is recommended if your ears produce excess earwax or if your earwax has become hard and dry. It is best to have your ears cleaned by a professional, especially if you experience symptoms due to impacted earwax. If you are thinking about cleaning your ears yourself, hold off until you learn the reasons why you should see a doctor for earwax extraction.